Sunrise. Magical. Lasting only a short while each cloudless day, if we’re lucky we are able to soak in the magic of the days beginning.
I find myself having the good fortune of living just moments away from the waters edge in Port Washington, WI., where, we have the perfect combination for fantastic sunrises. We have the sun. We have clean air. We have a large body of water. We have a quaint marina. The sum of these individual elements are the best sunrises a person may ever see.
Winter sunrises are different than the sunrises in the summer. In winter, the cold air combining with the relatively warmer waters create clouds above the lake. Sometimes, we get what I call, “double sunrises”. The sun breaks the horizon, where, there is a small space of clearing before hiding behind the lake clouds and bursting through a second time.
On frigidly cold days, we get “steam fog” rising from the lake to mix with the clouds above. When this happens the sunrise appears to explode and reflect off the steam while dancing in and out of the higher clouds. This morning was such a sunrise. The sun burst through the clouds, lit the marina on fire, and disappeared back into the clouds not to be seen again.
I had the great fortune to be in the marina, at Rotary Park, more specifically at the local landmark known as the “Blue Bridge” during sunrise. It felt like watching a grand finale of a spectacular fireworks show. When it was over I literally thought, “wow, that was great.” I hope you enjoy the photos. Please vote for your favorite and leave a comment or two.
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