It was a bitterly cold morning on January 12, 2016 which, when dressed warmly, with plenty of layers, it’s a perfect time to take great photos of “Steam Fog”. The warmer water creates evaporation and steam; also known as “sea smoke” or “steam fog”. These steam fog images are from the Port Washington, WI. breakwater. The wind was blowing pretty good but I know a spot below the stairs along the breakwater that provides some protection from the sub-zero blasts of icy cold.
I got out to the “spot” just moments before the sun broke through the clouds hovering just above Lake Michigan’s surface. I quickly set up and did a series of time-lapse photos. Setting up my camera to do a time-lapse series allowed me to keep my hands warm while still catching the sunrise through the various stages. I find it difficult to change my camera settings with gloves on so, for this sunrise, a “set-it and forget-it” time-lapse was going to have to do.
As the sunrise progressed I began to realize how magical it was. I could see hues of purple and red across the breakwater surface. Not real strongly, but it was present and could be brought out further during post-processing. All in all, I shot about 30 images before the sun was too high in the sky and my hands were beginning to lose feeling, even in gloves. The final five images presented here are the images I finish processed.
Here’s where I need your help. To my eye they are all different, some subtly, but they are different. I like them all. Which is your favorite. Would you help me by voting for your favorite and maybe leaving a comment or two? I would greatly appreciate it.
Vote for your favorite: (clicking the images cause them to open larger for better clarity and viewing, you may then vote for that particular image)
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